
The birth place of Croccantini nougats

San Marco dei Cavoti is an ancient medieval village founded in 1300 year  by Provencal settlers and  it’s located in Benevento area, abt 70 kilometers far from Naples, in South of Italy.

Such a delightful, little town, nestled in the mountains, is very famous in all of Italy for the production of the typical CROCCANTINI nougats, that started hereat the end of 17th Century.

It’s a simple recipe: only almonds, hazelnuts, sugar and cocoa. They are mixed together and the dough is stretched to form a layer. Once cooled, the mixture is cut into small bars, that become the delicious nougats, called CROCCANTINI, from the Italian word, just meaning “crunchy”.

They are made today like in the past, with only quality ingredients and an ancient know how.

San Marco dei Cavoti celebrates such a famouce delicay with a big event, every year, in December, when a very big CROCCANTINI production is made on the main road of the town, by skilled San Marco’s craftmen.

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